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dr. jeffrey magee cbe, csp, cmc, pdm
Dr. Jeffrey Magee has been called one of today's leading "Leadership & Marketing Strategists." Jeff works with C-Suite, Business Leaders, Military Generals & CEO2CEO Peer Groups across America.
Hard Work and Dedication
Imagine being able to reboot your life, beginning at this very moment, given all you know and mentally possess. Imagine if you could bridge the gap from where you are in life to where you want to be, and then maintain that trajectory as you make greater gains, greater wins, and greater contributions to others.
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dr. jeffrey magee
"Become Part of the Top 1% High-Achievers"Jeff has developed a real-time application framework which helps you to stay on track and on course as you work towards achieving your goals and objectives.
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An author of more than 20 books, three college graduate management text books, four best sellers, and is the Publisher of PERFORMANCE/P360 Magazine. Former Co-Host of the national business entrepreneur program on Catalyst Business Radio and a Human Capital Developer for more than twenty years.

Along with advanced degrees, he is a certified Board Executive, Speaking Professional, Management Consultant, and Professional Direct Marketer.

Over three decades of Executive and Corporate Development expertise, with the last decade working in both the start-up to mature-growth market business sector.

Magee has been called one of today's leading "Leadership & Marketing Strategists."

current happenings
Works with C-Suite, Business Leaders, Military Generals & CEO2CEO Peer Groups across America.
"When a mind is allowed to wonder and wander, creativity is allowed to grow and alas, anything is possible. Don't self-restrict; be open, and allow yourself to grow with, and for others."
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Jeff
Dr. Jeffrey Magee brings over three decades of Executive and Corporate Development expertise, with the last decade working in both the start-up to mature-growth market business sector and with differing State National Guard Adjutant Generals across America.
Jeff has and does maintain long term clients working with Association and Organizations at the Board level and across the C-Suite. Beyond this, the importance of working with an organizations entire Human Capital platform from on-boarding, integration, and sustained engagement is critical for an organizations health blue-print.
Jeff works with organizations (profit and not-for-profit, private and public sector) in the multi-million dollar earnings market through to six-billion dollar earnings market.
Understanding the reality of hard work ethics and drive from an early age, raised on a farm, Jeff started his first business at age 15 and sold it before going to college.
By age 24, he was recognized by American Home Products a Fortune 500 company as its top salesman in the nation, while at the same time becoming the youngest certified sales instructor for the Dale Carnegie Sales Course.
After experiencing downsizing in 1987, he went on to work as a sales associate for the nation's largest educational and youth advertising/marketing firm, Target Marketing, and was promoted to Vice President of Sales and Chief Operating Officer within two years.